Sunday, February 25, 2007

Well if Barbara went bungee jumping...

There isn't much to say about the city of Nadi. I stayed at Nadi Bay Resort, which isn't at all impressive. A dorm bed costs you $20 a night and there's a pool. Nothing much more to say about that, it certainly wasn't like the Octopus.

However, I was the only woman in the dorm of 12 bed except a 77-year old woman, Barbara, from Scotland.

I should first start off by saying that New Zealand is a country that loves a thrill. Bungee jumping was invented here and you can do pretty much any crazy thing you can imagine and all for a reasonable cost.

Barbara was on the FeeJee Experience Tour. I came to find out that this tour is just a big party tour for 25-35 year olds from the UK.

Barbara fit right in with this group, which was staying at the resort and had made many friends. She had already been bungee jumping, sky diving and jet skiing, rode a horse, went on a 4-hour trek and a bunch of other things I cannot remember.

She has 19 grandchildren, a bunch of great-grandchildren and is turning 78 in September.

She left Scotland in November after she sold one of her 2 farms and decided to visit a friend in New Zealand. After a few weeks decided she wanted to visit Fiji and I met her on her last night before heading back to New Zealand. She had planned to go back to Scotland in April, but decided her kids can wait because now she wants to go to Australia and maybe back to Fiji again.
So maybe I won't be such a pansy when I'm out on the bungee platform because Barbara's done it once and already wants to do it again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, first off you are such a descriptive writer...this is a great way to "capture" your trip. So glad you went on it as I know it is important to you...hope Geof stepped up to the plate for about the bungee jumping.....(deep breath).....don't tell me until it is over...not enough hair dye to cover me with things like mom